Saturday, June 21, 2014

Land of the "Free": Home of the Slaves

This is not going to be a lighthearted post; it is going to be a passionate rant about things I feel very strongly about. (Which is dumb on my part because I allow myself to get so sensitive about it; to be vulnerable to others and start fights; something I'm ashamed to say that I'm good at.) 

I don't ever remember my parents liking each other, or seeing eye-to-eye, except on one thing: the only thing I remember them being unified in teaching us was to not take our Freedom for granted and to love our Country. I am a Patriot through and through, I am proud to say that I am a citizen of the United States of America. Because of this, I feel sick. I am sickened that this once United country is now anything but that. Our government, and everything run/in control by the government is corrupt: health care, social security, the FDA, education system, gas prices, taxes, etc., I'm sure you can keep stock piling on the list. I am sickened by the people of this nation; so many just don't care; that makes them just as bad as the people who run this country who know exactly what they are doing.

We originally fled England because we were being smothered by a tyrant who starved our ancestors by robbing them blind with taxes, telling them who they can and can not worship, and had ridiculous control over their lives. We came here to practice FREEDOM. Freedom to worship how we please with out being persecuted, to the right to own land, to thrive, to LIVE. What happened?! The LDS church is the only church that has been persecuted in this country; the same country that our ancestors came to to practice religious freedom. Today Religion and State have to be separated to avoid 'offending' anyone. People in this country are told to take their U.S. flags down because it could be offensive to Muslims!? We came here to be free, we're obviously going to offend others! Take this scene from 1776 for example: June 28, 1776, Hancock asks if there are any alterations to be offered to the Declaration of Independence, leading many delegates to voice suggestions. Jefferson acquiesces to each recommendation, much to Adams's consternation, until Dickinson demands the removal of a phrase calling the King a tyrant. Jefferson refuses, stating that "the King is a tyrant whether we say so or not. We might as well say so." When Thomson comments that he has already scratched the word out, Jefferson orders him to "scratch it back in." An exasperated Adams exclaims "This is a revolution, damn it! We're going to have to offend somebody!" Where has our gumption gone? Our Founding Fathers knew what the right thing to do, was. Most of them paid for that decision with their lives. Blood had to be spilled to be where are today, and I'm sure not many of us are willing to do something like that today although we are, or at least should be grateful for their sacrifice. We (meaning most Americans) have become such a selfish people. We want what we want and we don't care what other people know or have been through; whether or not it had an affect on your life. 
We've become slaves to the system; how are we truly free? This country has been in debt since minute one. Our government has taught us it's OK to be in debt. When did we become such followers? We do what everyone else is doing. We take so much for granted, it's sad.  

Have you seen the movie Book of Eli with Denzel Washington in it? It's a post apocalyptic world where a lot of people do horrible things to survive. People would kill other people, survivors, for a book, for some water, for shampoo. Little things we take for granted today, will be the things people will kill for tomorrow. When did we lose being grateful for what we have? Being simple? Living frugally? There's better things in life than having the newest and best "thing", it's just that: a thing, something that'll you'll most likely throw away, sell, hate, destroy, etc. It can't come with us when we die... what's the point?

We've become slaves to so many things: food, sleep, technology, porn, alcohol, drugs, money, sex, power... and we have to "up one" people on a lot of these things, too. When does it end? Just because "everyone is doing it" it doesn't make it ok.

Photo: Wrong is never right. #ldsconf
  • We'd rather have a date with a computer/phone/TV/gaming console than a real person. 
  • We'd rather sleep around and be "cool" to get a higher number... OOPS! Did someone just get an STD? Not so "cool" anymore, are you? Or we'd rather get so addicted to porn that we can't have an actual physical relationship with a real person (and YES! That really happens!). Did you know, a lot of violent behavior co-exists with people with porn addictions? Now you do. 
  • We'd rather drown ourselves in our problems with alcohol instead of manning up and facing them. Or we've made ourselves believe we "can't" have fun without alcohol being involved.... SO far from the truth! One of my favorite things ever is to throw a party, invite my friends that drink (letting them know in advance there will be no alcohol allowed) and having them come to the party dreading because it will be "boring"; they end up leaving saying along the lines of, "That's the most fun I've had sober in a long time!" Proven. Wrong. 
  • We'd rather eat crappy food and be lazy, develop health issues and take drugs to "cure" our problems when all they do is create more problems. All we're doing is making a lot of corrupt people a LOT of money by keeping ourselves sick and treating the symptom, not the problem. Also, because of drugs, we've become more selfish. So many people have problems and can't hold jobs and pan handle. We've also created programs that enable these people so they don't ever get better. Because of these situations, we don't help people anymore.
All in the name of doing what everyone else is doing.... good grief!

Immigration. I'm surprised people want to come here still. Oh wait! We have e terrible President who is welcoming immigrants with open arms for more support. THAT'S why. I was torn on this issue for a long time.... That is until I saw a video that changed my mind forever on this topic.

If you have 6 minutes.... I HIGHLY suggest watching this video! It is easy to understand and very powerful.

Photo: i don't usually post half naked men on my page, but...

Gay marriage: My views on this are simple: This has always been my belief system regarding this issue, why are we telling gay people "No" to marriage when straight people don't want to? Someone has to fight for marriage! *** I DO, however, believe marriage is a sacred bond between man and woman, but everyone is entitled to rights and free agency. If any of my LGTB friends were to get married, I'd want to be there for them. Force is Satan's way, Love is God's way.

In the end, I guess I'd like to bear my testimony.

55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Heavenly Father has a plan, and we need to trust him and trust his plan for us.

He knows all which is why things in the Church don't change. There is reason why the Word of Wisdom was implemented before there was a global problem with addictions to tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, etc.
There's a reason why sex is to be saved for marriage.

Let him tell you about it.

If we follow God's guidance and commandments, we will live a much happier life. It's not restrictive, it's freedom. An alcoholic gets sick and is a slave to medication just to be alive, but it's not a life. Avoiding it altogether and being healthy is how you can have a happy life that you can live. Most of what people view as "restrictive" is actually liberating. The rest is to allow us to be the best person we can be and to put others before ourselves. We can't help others if we're not healthy/happy ourselves. We go through the trials we do to gain empathy in order to help others.
Let's love and support each other. Let's help and lift one another when we see someone down. Let's give others the benefit of the doubt instead of jumping to conclusions and judging. Judging another says a lot more about you (your character) than it does about the other person. We don't like to be judged, so don't do it to other people. (I include gossip on this, as well.) Let's give up some vices because we can't become heroes without some sacrifices.

Spread love, not hate.

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