Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Perfect Imperfection

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret..... To start off, I consider myself to be neither positive nor negative, I view myself as realistic. Given the fact that I am also human, I tend to sometimes have overall negativeness or positiveness at certain times. But I tell ya, people who are overly positive all the time, who appear to have a perfect life as if nothing can go wrong, drive. me. insane! A good chunk of it is I'm so used to things not going right in my life, that I handle rough situations better. When things are great, I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I'd almost rather attend a funeral than a wedding! 
This is part of the reason why I don't really read other peoples' blogs anymore. There were so many people I followed a few years ago that seemed to have everything together. I would envy them and their seemingly picture perfect life. I hated it. It's good to write about the good things, but it's good to write about struggles, too. No one grows from the good times. Let me also phrase it another way; have you ever read any of your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. journals? What made a better impression on you about their written legends? About how great the good times were? Most likely not. I bet it was how they pushed through and grew from a struggle they had in their life. Why can't we do that today? Appearing to have a "picture perfect life" gets boring after awhile. People become envious and then will want to avoid this person and their lifestyle. You struggle. I struggle. We all have trials at some point in our lives. We grow from those times. We're not perfect, not yet anyway! Why can't we share our imperfections with each other (in a tasteful manner)? We grew from those moments, maybe someone else could see your example and grow, too? If you knew it would help someone, you'd want to share it, right? Let's help each other! 

Talk "Lord, I Believe" by Jeffrey R Holland
Let's embrace our imperfections! Through them, we can become perfect! I am by no means encouraging purposeful bad behavior. I am simply inviting you to correct your misgivings as best you can, allowing it to make you a better person, and to allow others grow from your experiences. 
If it makes you feel any better, my animals are far from perfect! Ginny is rude, D'Artagnan is grumpy, and Gizmo can be a brat; he takes after me ;) Whatever you are going through, you can do it!

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